Tips for Achieving a Successful Bathroom Remodel in the Upper Arlington and Worthington, OH Areas

Tips for Achieving a Successful Bathroom Remodel in the Upper Arlington and Worthington, OH Areas

Embarking on a bathroom remodel can be both an exciting and daunting task. Whether you’re in Upper Arlington or Worthington, OH, you want your new bathroom to blend function with aesthetics. However, to ensure a successful transformation, it’s crucial to plan meticulously and make informed decisions. Below are some practical tips to help you achieve a successful bathroom remodel.

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Plan Your Design Carefully

Start your remodeling process with a clear design in mind. Consider your lifestyle and the needs of your household. Do you require a large shower or a tub, or both? How much storage space will you need? Do you prefer a single or double sink? Having a well-thought-out design plan will save time and avoid unnecessary changes down the line.

Hire a Reputable General Contractor

The contractor you hire can significantly influence the outcome of your project. Look for a reputable, experienced contractor with a track record of successful bathroom remodels. Seek recommendations, read reviews, and take the time to interview potential contractors.

Optimize Your Space

Whether you’re dealing with a small or large bathroom, optimizing space is often a priority. Use smart storage solutions like built-in cabinets, open shelves, and wall-mounted fixtures. Consider a floating vanity to create a sense of more space.

Ensure Adequate Ventilation

A well-ventilated bathroom is essential for preventing mold and mildew. If your current bathroom lacks proper ventilation, now is the time to address it. This may involve installing a vent fan or even adding a window.

Choose a Timeless Style

While you can certainly incorporate current trends into your design if you would like, try to opt for a timeless look overall. Trends come and go, but classic designs will ensure your bathroom stays appealing in the long run. Neutral colors, clean lines, and simple fixtures are always in style.

Factor in Forget Lighting

Lighting can dramatically impact the look and functionality of your bathroom. Consider adding layers of light, including overhead, task, and accent lighting, to create a warm, inviting space. The more lighting options you have, the more you can adjust it to the task at hand. 

Consider Water Efficiency

Water efficiency is not only good for the environment but can also save you money on utility bills. Consider installing low-flow toilets, showerheads, and faucets. These fixtures have significantly improved over the years and now offer great performance while reducing water usage.

Balance Between Beauty and Function

While it's easy to get carried away with beautiful tile patterns and stylish fixtures, always keep functionality at the forefront. Your bathroom should not only look good, but it should also work well for its intended users. For instance, consider the height and accessibility of fixtures and storage units.

Plan for Adequate Storage

A cluttered bathroom can diminish even the most high-end renovations. To avoid this, plan for ample storage during your remodel. Recessed medicine cabinets, shower niches, and vanity drawers can hold everyday items while keeping your space tidy and visually appealing.

Communicate Openly With Your Contractor

Clear communication with your contractor is crucial for a successful remodel. Regularly check in on the progress, voice any concerns promptly, and make sure you're on the same page with the timelines and the expected outcome.

Related: For a Spa-Like Feel, Consider These Tips for Your Bathroom Remodel in the Lewis Center and Westerville, OH, Area

About the Author

In 2017, David C. Ludolph II and Kody G. Kavanagh joined forces to create PropertyWorx—one of Central Ohio’s leading full-service property solutions companies. With combined experience of over 50 years, we pride ourselves on taking both residential and commercial properties to the next level, by providing home and business owners with all they need to update, transform, and tend to their properties.


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